100 E. Pine Street, Suite 110 Orlando, FL. 32801
(877) 662-8196
Credit Repair Tips & Tricks!
Own your own Home with the help of our Program.

There are so many things that can keep you from having good credit such as not paying your bills, Inaccurate information or dates, balances or amounts or old accounts that should have been deleted and have not been deleted yet. The Credit Reporting Agencies such as TransUnion, Equifax, Experian may delete inaccurate information or accounts or late payment(s) off one report but keep it on another and it's the same thing as far as your Personal information. If your personal information is wrong such as your name and or addresses, then it may lower your score(s).  A Couple things to remember. 

  • Do Not Apply for new Credit Cards while in any Credit Repair or Restoration Program.
  • Make sure you check your Credit Reports frequently to make sure all your Reports and or dates on all your accounts are reporting correctly.
  • Make Sure your Credit Utilization is not too low, and you don't have a lot of collections, Charge off's and or Hard and or soft inquiries. 
  • Most Hard Inquiries stay on your Reports for 7 Years and most Soft Inquiries stay on for 2 Years.
  • Soft Inquiries do not necessary hurt your Reports like Hard Inquiries do, but this depends on a number of things.
  • Credit Reporting Agencies will sometimes stall to delete information and or correct dates and or information.

    Beware of Credit Repair Scams!
Beware of Credit Scams.
Credit Repair